Are you like a few other couples who think about the honeymoon last. When we had our wedding the honeymoon was top on the agenda. I see the honeymoon as a way of rewarding yourself. I have noticed that many couples worry more about the wedding venue than the honeymoon destination. Both are very important aspects of your wedding and non of them should be treated as more important than the other.
You know I was talking to an older couple than us (thats is my wife and i) whose wedding was in the mid-90s in Harare, Zimbabwe. One thing i took away from the discussion with them was just how memorable their honeymoon was. Even though by today's standards you and i can laugh about it, back then it made their day. It was really something. It remained sticky for the rest of their lives. In fact this couple's honeymoon was in stages, soon after the wedding reception they checked into Elizabeth Hotel. Now you wouldn't like the state of Elizabeth Hotel today. I think it also was known as Hotel Liz or Liz Hotel something like that. It's actually at the corner of Robert Mugabe and L. Takawira in Harare now almost like "down-town" Harare.
But the point is their honeymoon was memorable. The following morning i think they said they took off for the Eastern Highlands.
Here are some tips as you work-out your honeymoon get-away;
- Research, research, research. No guesses get the facts about the destination and know what you are getting into.
- Plan your transportation - drive or fly (including local movements)
- Length of stay
- Accomodation
- Fees - entry, tooll gates, etc
- Decide if you will get gifts for friends and relatives e.g curios, post cards, T-Shirts etc
Troutbeck Resort (Nyanga)
Contact: +263912 132 136 or +263912 132 137
Carribea Bay Resort (Kariba)
Contact: +263912 132138, +263912 132 139
Great Zimbabwe Hotel (Masvingo)
Contact: +263912 132 134, +263912 132 135
You may also call African Sun central reservations in Harare, Zimbabwe on +263 4 700521-4, +263 4 250501-7
To Your Special Day!
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